Update on the exciting life of a staff accountant
I'm finally back in the office today after finishing my work at a client's location yesterday. It's good to be back -- well, no, really it's just good to not have anything to work on right now. Now I can neglect to study for my own stupid reasons instead of not studying because I have too much stuff to work on during the day. It's all me now. At least for the time being.
I'm pretty much finished with all of my holiday shopping -- I started early because I assume I'll be studying during my time off (two weeks starting next week, followed by our exam on January 3rd). Only one left is my brother, who (whom? whatever) I have concluded is nothing like me at all based on the wishlist items he's told me about so far. What the heck is this "Spa by BMW" thing anyway? And should a model of a BMW motorcycle really cost $88? I mean, really. What does one
do with a model motorcycle (oh, this is good, coming from the queen of buying useless things)?
Anyway, got to go for now (is it lunchtime yet? Man, I'm hungry), but there's a little update for all of you so you know I'm still alive. For now . . .
edit> p.s., I had a dentist appointment yesterday, and apparently all those nights of falling asleep with the light still on without brushing my teeth first did nothing to damage my teeth. Go me! ...Although I probably shouldn't make a habit out of doing that. I've been good lately...really! </edit>
<edit2> Good grief, they just tried to send me out to another client this afternoon on nearly the other end of the city. I din't have to go, though, because I don't have my car here with me -- it's actually my mom's car, and so when I'm not scheduled to go anywhere, I take the subway to the office and give the car back to her. Evidently this is an issue, since I am apparently supposed to drive my Mom's car here every day just in case they need to send me somewhere. Right. We'll talk when you start paying for the gas and parking space that I'd need if I was driving here on a daily basis when I could very well get here by subway for 2 dollars. I'm just saying. Now I'm just worried that they'll want to send me out somewhere tomorrow or on Friday, because I don't have very good excuses (OTHER THAN THAT I DON'T OWN A CAR) for not being able to go out at a moment's notice now that I've been informed. Bllaaaaaah. </edit2>